Our Program
Academics:  The purpose of CCA is to provide an excellent education for students, preparing them for higher education and success in life.  CCA will prepare students and help them qualify for college.  All state requirements will be met.  Curriculum and teaching will cover Kindergarten through 12th grade.  Teacher and parents will work closely together to ensure students meet or exceed state norms for each grade level.  While students will not change classes each year, a certificate of completion and yearly transcript will be presented year.
Code of Conduct - The Code of Conduct for Cooper Christian Academy comes from our desire to live lives that bring honor and glory to God, lives that are pleasing to Him.  Such lives enhance our ability to succeed in our endeavor to learn.  To discover how to accomplish this we turn to Scripture.  The following is not a comprehensive list of do's and don'ts, but an attempt to point to desired attitudes and behaviors.  Any apparent infraction will be subject to explanation and initiate the discipline policy delineated later.
Proverbs 6:16-19  "There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him.  Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a man who stirs up dissension among the brothers."
1.  Haughty eyes - I will treat everyone fairly and with respect.  At no time will I consider myself better than others.  Ex. I will respect all others, especially those in authority.  I will help others having trouble and demonstrate a cooperative spirit.  I will not discriminate against others by my behavior, attitudes, or words.
2.  A Lying Tongue - I will tell the truth by my words and my actions even when it is difficult, but never in a way to intentionally hurt others.  Ex.  I will tell the truth.  I will correct any misunderstandings with others.  I will do my own work and meet all deadlines.
3.  Hands that Shed Innocent Blood - I will not fight nor do things to intentionally hurt another person.  Ex.  I will not fight physically or verbally in anger.  I will not push, shove, or rough house.  I will be careful doing experiments or working with equipment.
4.  A Heart that Devises Wicked Schemes - I will act with integrity so that I will have no need to act deceptively.  Ex.  I will do what is right even if no one is watching.  I will not cheat in any manner or commit plagiarism.  I will follow the spirit of all rules as well as the letter.
5.  Feet that are Quick to Rush into Evil - I will choose to do what is right even when it is hard or inconvenient and avoid situations that may lead to bad decisions.  Ex.  I will avoid the very appearance of evil.  I will use no foul language whether spoken, written, or in cyberspace.  I will not be involved in coarse jesting or questionable viewing, texting, or gaming.  I will not use alcohol or drugs at any time.  I will carry no weapons, firearms, knives, or explosive materials while at school.
6.  A False Witness Who Pours Out Lies - I will speak the truth about others, refrain from gossip, and give an accurate account of what I know.  Ex.  I will not initiate or participate in gossip.  I will answer respectfully and truthfully.  I will not invent excuses, but take responsibility for my actions.
7.  A Man Who Stirs Up Dissension Among Brothers - I will choose to be a peacemaker and do all I can to get along with fellow students.  Ex.  I will not instigate fights or arguments.  I will work to be a friend to all.  I will not incite others to unacceptable behavior or attitudes.  I will dress appropriately and respectfully in order to create an environment conducive to learning and not become a distraction.
Grades and Grade Reporting - Because all grade levels learn in the same room, each student will progress at different rates and different levels.  Rather than focusing on grade level, focus will be on the student mastering skills.  These skills are determined by consulting the grade guidelines for state schools.  Because students naturally excel in certain areas and struggle in others, teaching and re-teaching in areas of struggle will be interspersed with mastery in areas of strength.  Any skills not mastered will be moved to the next years list.  Areas of quick mastery will allow student to accelerate so the result will be an individualized curriculum.  Graduation can occur when all minimums are mastered.  Grades will be used to asses progress toward mastery and a variety of mediums, tests, daily work, projects, reports, presentations and participation will be averaged to produce those grades.
Graduation - Graduation will occur in May each year.  Students who have mastered all skills for grades K-12 will be eligible for graduation.  Students preparing to graduate will receive help in taking the PSAT, SAT, and ACT as well as in applying for college if they desire to pursue higher education.  Official transcripts and Diploma will be received.
Schedule - Classes begin each year on the Tuesday following Labor Day and will meet from 9AM -2PM Monday through Thursday each week.  Special presentations and field trips will occur periodically throughout the year.  During the summer there will be a family learning vacation during which students and families will visit historic locations and "experience" learning.  School will be closed for all federal  and religious holidays.
"In what light soever we regard the Bible, whether with reference to revelation, to history, to morality, it is an invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge and virtue."
-------John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the US